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PhraSupachat (Tummissaro) samreewong
Punnapong wongnasi
Jiraphon choochamnan
Jiraphon choochamnan


The academic article on disciples and their role in the propagation of Buddhism aims to study the role and method of propagating Buddhism of the disciples in the Buddha's time and the propagation of Buddhism in the post-Buddhist period. It was found that the methods of propagating Buddhism of the monks Sariputta and Moggallana, on the side of Sariputta, were skilled in wisdom, and on the part of Moggallana, they were skilled in power, reaching the level of Buddhahood. You exalt them as apostles on your left and on your right. and was able to cause a large number of people to have faith and faith in Buddhism, and in the propagation of Buddhism during the Buddha's time, both the Lord Buddha and the Four Buddhists had already begun to build a solid foundation of Buddhism. The principle of the Triple Gem is the truth of freedom from suffering that can be proven and has real results. Nowadays, the propagation of Buddhism is very important. To the existence and stability of Buddhism And it is considered a direct mission of the Buddhist monks and disciples of Buddhism who, when they have fulfilled their duties by studying and studying the Dhamma and Vinaya until they are proficient and act according to the principles of the Dhamma and Vinaya that they have studied until they have knowledge. The natural landscape is strong. Must be dedicated and responsible for propagating Buddhism and using various methods such as sermons, sermons, sermons, and practicing samatha vipassana meditation as an example. It is classified as a work of great importance for the sustainability and stability of the Buddha religion since the Buddha's time until the present.

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Academic Article


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