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Thanet Chamnanrit
Kasemchart Naressenie
Raschada Jiwalai
Puncharat Tosamphani


The three objectives of this study were to (1) evaluate the effectiveness  of Zero Waste Management of Huahin Municipality, (2) compare the effectiveness of Zero Waste Management of Huahin Municipality Classified by personal factors, (3)test the correlation between public participation factors and the effectiveness of Zero Waste Management in Huahin Municipality. This was quantitative research and was conducted by studying 398 residents living in Huahin Municipality. The data were collected using the questionnaires, the statistics for data analysis consisted of frequency, percentage, mean, t-test, one-way ANOVA and Pearson’s product moment correlation coefficient. The research findings showed that : (1) the effectiveness of Zero Waste Management of Huahin Municipality was at a high level, (2) the comparing and contrasting the effectiveness of zero waste management of Huahin Municipality. classified by personal factors,  was found that the sample with different ages, occupations, and incomes had different opinions on the effectiveness of Huahin Municipality's zero-waste management and (3) the correlation between the public participation and the effectiveness of Zero Waste Management in Huahin Municipality was found to be in positive and at the high level. 

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