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PhrakhrusangkarakYodsawi Pamutto
Kanjira Wijitwatchararak
Ketsada Phathong
Ubol Wuthiphornsopon
Phra Pattanawat Poonsawat


The purposes of this research were to 1) for survey the level of satisfaction of citizens with the services of Bangkrateuk Subdistrict Municipality, Sam Phran District, Nakhon Pathom Province. and 2) for study problems, obstacles, and suggestions of people who come to receive services towards Bangkrateuk Subdistrict Municipality, Sam Phran District, Nakhon Pathom Province. In 4 areas is Income and taxes Community development and social welfare Public health and disaster prevention and relief According to service indicators in 4 types Process and steps Channels for providing services Officers and service personnel and facilities The sample size was 387 samples. The tool used to collect data is a questionnaire. The statistics used to analyze the data are Frequency Percentage Mean and Standard Deviation

          The research results found that People have the highest level of satisfaction with the service. The average is 4.87 points. Accounting for 95.44 percent When considering the quality of services provided by Bangkrateuk Subdistrict Municipality in 4 areas, it was found that people had a high level of satisfaction with Public health work, followed by environmental and sanitation work. Followed by income or tax work. and community development and social welfare work of Bangkrateuk Subdistrict Municipality The mean values ​​were 4.76, 4.72, 4.66, and 4.53, respectively and when considering the quality of service in 4 areas, it was found that people were satisfied with the service. Processes and procedures were the most, followed by service channels. Followed by the facilities and staff and service personnel The averages were 4.64, 4.58, 4.45, and 4.43, respectively.

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