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The objective of this research 1) to study factors influencing business performance of ready meal food business operators in Thailand 2) to analyze the relationship of factors influencing business performance of ready meal food business operators in Thailand 3) to develop a model of causal factors influencing the performance of ready meal food business operators in Thailand.This research was a mixed research using a stratified random sampling method. A total of 421 population samples were obtained. Using a random sampling method, 15 people were entrepreneurs and read meal food business experts. The tool used to collect data was a questionnaire by using a structural equation model andlysis technique (Structoral Equation Model: SEM)
Major Findings: Factors influencing the performance of ready meal food business operators in Thailand include knowledge management, dirvers, supply chain management competitiveness and business performance has a direct influence on the performance of the ready meal food business operators in Thailand. Where the index for the consistency level of the structural equation model is appropriate and harmonized with the empirical data (Chi-Square = 52.10, df = 59, p-value = 0.000, RMSEA = 0.000) and the possibility of a causal relationship model of factors influencing the performance of read meal food business operators in Thailand are connected to each other.
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