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The objectives of this research were 1) to study the development of work life quality of police officers, Chakrawat Metropolitan Police Station, and 2) to study the comparative development of work life quality of police officers, Chakrawat Metropolitan Police Station, classified by personal factors. The research was quantitative. The population used in this study was 198 police officers of Chakrawat Metropolitan Police Station. The sample size was determined by comparing with Krejcie & Morgan’s table, totaling 148 samplings. The data collection tools were questionnaires. The data analyzed were percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test and one-way ANOVA (F-test).
The results of the research revealed that 1) the development of the quality of working life of police officers Chakrawat Police Station Overall, the average was at a moderate level ( = 3.36). When considering each aspect, it was found that Relationship with colleagues and supervisors The mean was at a high level ( = 3.70). and stability in work The average was at the moderate level ( = 3.36). Salary and other benefits The mean was at a medium level
( = 3.30) in the working environment. The mean was at a medium level ( = 3.28). Democracy in work. The mean was at a moderate level ( = 3.19) and
2) the comparative development of work life quality of police officers, Chakrawat Metropolitan Police Station, classified by personal factors, it was found that overall and each aspect were not different.
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