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Phichak Phutrakhul


Since the reform of local government in the 1997 Constitution, several changes in the local government system have been seen. Whether it's structure, authority, revenue, or personnel management. It shows that regardless of the organization, human resources is very important for the organization to develop quality. The purpose of this research was to study (1) to explore the knowledge of human resource development in local government organizations and (2) to synthesize the knowledge of human resource development in local government organizations in 3 aspects, namely concepts and theories; used in research, research methods and research results using a qualitative research model. The sample group used in this research consisted of 16 research papers at master's and doctoral levels. It was found that (1) Knowledge of human resource development in local administrative organizations During 2008-2019, it was found that in 2010, the most relevant research on human resource development in local administrative organizations was 3. 3 subjects, 18.75% and the most master's degree research, 14 Subject 87.5% (2) most of the theoretical concepts used in this research were human resource development and local government organizational concepts. In terms of research methods, it was found that the research style was the most mixed research, amounting to 8 issues, representing 50.00%. 5 quantitative research, representing 31.25% and qualitative research, 3 subjects, representing 18.75%. The study results can be classified into 5 aspects: (1) education (2) aspects training, (3) budget in human resource development, (4) application of Buddhist principles in human resource development, and (5) needs in human resource development.

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Research Articles


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