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This study aimed to determine the guidelines of medicine compounding for individual hemorrhoids treatment by reviewing the principles of medicine compounding and the treatment. The experienced Thai traditional medicine doctors were in-depth interviewed. The data collected were analyzed via content analysis. The results reviewed the 5 principles of the guideline of medicine compounding for individual hemorrhoids treatment were the following; 1) adjusting the composition of medicinal herbs in the recipe; 2) adjusting the proportion of the medicinal herbs in the recipe; 3) adjusting the dosage form of the medicinal herbs; 4) adjusting the dosage and
5) combining with other recipes. The outcomes of the interview showed that Mahakan medicine was not active with some hemorrhoids patients who could be divided into 5 groups, and each group had its specific guideline of medicine compounding and behavior adjustment as follows: 1) patients with constipation, the proportion of laxative herbal medicine had to be increased together with the adjusting of dietaries and excretion; 2) patients with gastrointestinal disease, the proportion of pepper and long pepper had to be decreased in order to reduce the gastric irritation; 3) postpartum patients, the cool properties medicinal herbs had to be out off; 4) patients with hemorrhoids caused by malbehavior and hard working, the standard compounding could be applied together with working behavioral adjustment; and 5) patients with aphthous ulcers, the standard compounding could be applied with the suggestions of dietaries and suitable rests. In a summary, the hemorrhoids treatment might be concerned with the cause of disease, the differences of individuals so as to make a fruitful medicine compounding for the individuals. This study is as a guideline for Thai traditional medicine doctors on hemorrhoids medicine compounding as well as on other medicines.
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