Guidelines of Diet Method of Monks according to Buddhist Principles
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This article was a part of thesis entitled ‘A Study of Diet Method of Monks according to Buddhist Practice’. Its objectives were; 1) to study problem and the cause of fat in Thai society, 2) to study nutrition principle and exercises of Sangha in Buddhism, and 3) to seek for the way of diet according to Buddhism in Thai society. This was a qualitative research. The findings were that an exercise and eating control as taught by the Buddha are named as ‘Bhojanemattaññuta’ or a moderation in eating. Concerning the problem and cause of fat, it revealed that the main factor of fat is unaware of eating and lack of food knowledge. The concept of healthy found that belief which is the thought or understanding on some object focused in one thing longer with or without rationing, being enforced to believe by propaganda or commercial advertisement which urges man to follow it play the huge role to control and guide man to do something including desire for over eating. To prevent oneself from such persuasive information, one must be mindful and aware to know and stop desire for over eating. The factors related to the fat were age, development, many diseases occurred due to different age, physical and mental development, work, state of age development affect to both of physical and mental health. The exercise of physical body, emotion and mentality must be performed at the same time of diet to build regularity, seeing the disadvantages of fat, and 8 precepts observing will help the diet successful.
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