The effect of color temperature and color inside jewelry showcase on consumer perceptions
color temperature, color, perceptions, jewelry, showcaseAbstract
The objectives of this research are to study the effect of correlated color temperature and color inside jewelry showcase on consumer’s perceptions. Data was collected from a group of 33 participants, aged between 23 - 40 years from a questionnaire through the semantic differential scale of 6 pairs of opposite word. These experiments were conducted in a simulation room with 18 scenarios, consisting of black and white colors of background and mannequin inside the showcases: The correlated color temperature of 4000 K, 6000 K and mixed between 4000 K and 6000 K along with artificial gemstone jewelry including ruby, sapphire, and diamond. Data were collected and analyzed by descriptive statistics, t-test, analysis of variance (ANOVA) and post hoc test analysis using multiple pairs mean comparison method (least-significant different: LSD). The findings and results showed that correlated color temperature and color inside showcase cabinet and mannequin attributes significantly mostly emotional characteristics (p<0.05). The correlated color temperature of 6000 K and mixed between 4000 K and 6000 K along with artificial sapphire and diamond induced more positive perceptions. Moreover, black color inside the showcase resulted in a high positive perception of the atmosphere. and the white color effected in positive perception of jewelry. Furthermore, the color factor does not influence the sparkle of the jewelry. To conclude, correlated color temperature and color inside the showcase cabinet contribute to the positive perception of the jewelry and atmosphere inside the showcase. For the showcase design to draw attention to customers, it is recommended to select the color inside the cabinet that contrasts with the jewelry. And the color temperature of higher than 4000K to contribute to the positive perceptions.
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