Resilience Beyond the Outbreak: Investigating Self-Protection Information and New Normal Lifestyle among the Thai Population in Response to COVID-19

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Phnom Kleechaya


Research aims to elucidate and explore information access during the COVID-19 pandemic, control measures, preventive behaviors, and the adoption of new lifestyle patterns among the Thai population. Utilizing a mixed-methods approach, survey data were collected from a diverse sample of 600 individuals, complemented by qualitative research through in-depth interviews with public health officials, community volunteers, community leaders, and 31 individuals. Survey results reveal that the sample group generally accessed information at a moderate level, primarily through family, friends, and neighbors. Overall, high compliance with preventive measures such as social distancing, mask-wearing, and frequent handwashing was observed. Embracing new normal behaviors, relaxation, and entertainment scored high, while income adjustment was moderate. In-depth research uncovered a changing perception of the pandemic, with heightened awareness during the initial outbreak, fear, and increased precautions. As the pandemic progressed, individuals exhibited vigilance during major outbreaks, transitioning to a new normal lifestyle, and eventually adopting a relaxed attitude during the post-outbreak phase. The research underscores the vital role of community health volunteers (CHVs) as communication catalysts, working alongside sub-district health promotion hospitals (HPHs) and local organizations. CHVs function as community-level health communicators, collaborating with local health authorities in disease surveillance, information dissemination, knowledge enhancement, and promoting compliance with various health measures.

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