The Reflection of Public Perception on Content Pertaining to Superstitious Beliefs in Terrestrial Digital Television Programs
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The research embarked upon an exploration of public sentiment towards content infused with superstitious beliefs within digital terrestrial television programs, employing a meticulously designed questionnaire as an instrumental tool for data collection in September 2022. The data, scrupulously amassed from a stratified sample of 5,000 individuals, was geographically dispersed nationwide, adhering rigorously to demographic proportions. The analytical phase was executed utilizing sophisticated statistical software, with a reliance on both Descriptive and Inferential Statistics, to decipher and interpret the amassed data with precision and accuracy.
The research findings indicated that: 1. The cohort manifested discernible opinions pertaining to the dissemination of news content on terrestrial digital television, which encompassed elements of superstitious beliefs. Collectively, the consensus leaned towards appropriateness, evidenced by an average approbation score of 3.57 out of a potential 5. 2. Opinions harbored by the sample group concerning the presentation of programs, which spotlighted content related to superstitious beliefs on terrestrial digital television, were notably positive. The general agreement underscored suitability, with an average affirmation score of 3.62 out of a conceivable 5. 3. The sample group expressed opinions regarding the repercussions emanating from the presentation of programs that showcased content related to superstitious beliefs. A prevailing uncertainty was observed, substantiated by an average score of 3.28 out of a plausible 5. 4. A meticulous comparison of opinions across various topics within the sample group revealed that gender did not significantly influence divergent views, maintaining a statistical significance level of .05. Conversely, age emerged as a determinant factor, eliciting significantly disparate opinions across various topics at a statistical significance level of .05. Predominantly, the age demographic of 9-24 years (GEN Z) exhibited a propensity to harbor opinions that diverged from other age brackets.
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