Community Identity and Community Participation to Promote Tourism in Secondary City, Ban Rai District, Uthai Thani Province
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This research aims to study the identity of secondary city communities that are strong points in the tourism marketing competition and the participation of people in the community and government agencies to promote tourism. There is a qualitative research using in-depth interviews with 10 experts. There are several major identities. Identity of natural tourist attractions and ways of agricultural communities are The giant tree, Kaen Makrut Botanical Garden, Phu Wai Cave, Pha Rom Yen Waterfall and Pang Sawan Weir. Identity of ancient remains related to religious way of life are Ban Rai Temple, Tham Khao Wong Temple, Pha Thang Temple. Cultural tourist attractions identities, consisting of Ya-Yai House Museum, Ban Pha Thang Traditional Weaving Center (Mae Thong Lee) and Saw Hai Market. In addition, the intangible identity is the wisdom Identity of ancient Lao Khrang fabric pattern, food wisdom, tradition and culture and ethnicity. Community participation to promote tourism must rely on the cooperation of the community that owns the area by emphasizing local identity, such as preserving their own arts and culture, taking care of the cleanliness and orderliness of the community, facilitating, advising or providing information for tourists, providing assistance and safety for tourists, being a good host, and providing opportunities for tourists to participate in community traditions. The participation of government agencies is to concretely push through policies and budgets for development in various areas that are necessary for tourism. There are relevant agencies such as the Ministry of Culture of Thailand, Ministry of Tourism and Sports, Tourism Authority of Thailand, Department of National Parks, Wildlife and Plant Conservation, Provincial Community Development Office of Uthai Thani and local agencies.
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