Development of Elderly’s Technology Intelligence to Strengthen their Security in Income, Health and Living upon New Normal Aging Society

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Phnom Kleechaya
Phongphan Keeratiwasin


The purpose of this research is to explore and explain application skills, technological savvy and the ability to deal with new normal daily life amid the changing technology of the elderly and those who are stepping into the elderly. The research aims to create a model of how to develop the use of technology to generate income, take care of health, carry out daily life and coexistence between generations among elderly. Using a mixed research methodology. 1) Survey Research, a total sample of 1,424 people, both general and vulnerable groups from 10 provinces in all regions, including Bangkok and its vicinity. 2) In-depth Interview: A group of 29 senior citizens and prospective In addition, the interviewee includes 22 senior’s development stakeholders. 3) Document analysis published online between January and December 2020. The results of these three research areas were used to synthesize and create a model for the development of the elderly. The results of the survey research found that the respondents reported moderate adaptation to new technology and moderately active. The age group 50-59 years old and the age group 60-69 years old had moderate digital literacy. As for the age group 40-49 years old, it was at a high level. They can live a new normal way of life in terms of protecting oneself from being infected with COVID-19 as much as possible followed by online recreation, and appointments via mobile phones. For the sample that is a vulnerable group, half of them reported they didn't have their own Internet-connected device. Half of them said they did not use the Internet. Their ability to use technology is at a minimum. They have a low level of technological savvy. They are able to use new normal daily life in terms of protecting oneself from being infected with COVID-19. They switched to chat with others via applications and watching movies and listening to music online. For the use of technology to earn income among the early elderly and those who stepped into the elderly, research indicated three types; 1) creating content on YouTube. TikTok and Facebook page. 2) Selling products online for both general merchandise and products made from community resources. 3) Freelance employment. In terms of using technology in daily life, it was found that senior people use it for work, access to state aid through the application, banking online, shopping.  It was found that they used to access online health information. They use health care devices and applications. They use a chat app to talk to their distant grandchildren. Social media and games are areas that connect the elderly and their children to participate in activities together, such as filming clips, taking pictures to post on social media and teaching games.

Those involved in promoting the use of technology for the elderly include government agencies, public interest organizations, media, business companies, academics. The finding indicated whose roles include implementation of government policies, education, capacity building provide care for the elderly, creating innovations for the elderly, inspire, promoting income generation, creating a body of knowledge, and following up and advocating for policies for the elderly. The research proposes 4models for developing and promoting the use of technology to prepare the elderly society based on new normal lifestyles, namely 1) the elderly academy for self-employment from technology. 2)the elderly lifestyle spheres. to create a group to promote the development of the elderly. 3) the scheme to help strengthen and reduce the vulnerability of the vulnerable elderly 4) the Smart Living Emergency Assistance System for rescue elderly to receive timely treatment.

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