Myth of Food and Non-Alcoholic Beverage Advertising in Facebook and YouTube

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Nongnuch Jindarattanaporn


Food and non-alcoholic beverage advertising (ads.) impact on children’s diet. The objective of this study was to analyze content of Food and non-alcoholic beverage ads. Documentary research was conducted. High market share, operating results, revenue, and profit were criteria to select food and non-alcoholic beverage. Four brands were included in this study. Advertisements of four brands were searched through Facebook from July to September 2021 and YouTube from January 2019 to September 2021. Myth concept was used to analyze the contents of ads. Findings of this study showed that myth of ads from four products were classified into seven group: (1) celebrities who were famous for consumers consumed these products; (2) consumption of these products when doing various activities; (3) these products were consisted of good ingredient and nutrient which were benefits for health and beauty; (4) these products appropriated for all gender and all age group, these products were side dishes, and the flavor of these product liked real food ; (5) consumption of these products caused good emotion and feeling; (6) consumers dared to express their hidden feelings when they ate these products; and (7) consumption of products created a good relationship between the important person of the consumer and the consumer. These myths disguiseก the facts about these products which were foods and non-alcoholic beverages high in sugar, fat or sodium. Therefore, educational organizations should use the results of this study to develop a curriculum or a manual for teaching media literacy in order to increase media literacy skills among Thai children.

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