A Process of News Reporting on Crowdsourcing Platforms in Thailand

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Kultida Sayprom
Patchanee Cheyjunya


This research is aimed to study and analyze the process of news reporting on crowdsourcing platforms of the Bureau of Networking and Public Participation, Public Broadcasting Authority of Thailand (Thai PBS), and the Southern Cities Climate Change Resilience Networks Foundation (SCCCRN). Qualitative research was conducted by document analysis and in-depth interviews with three groups of 21 key informants: the organizational process and content managers, subscribers of platform membership, and digital-journalism academicians. The findings show that the process of news reporting on the studied crowdsourcing platforms is a process designed for enhancing interaction between the proposing organizations and the platform users, which is a mutually beneficial relationship. The process of news reporting on the C-Site platform and the Hatyai City Climate platform consists of three main processes: 1) Input is the import of data for disseminating problematic issues or new pieces, and for motivating users to participate in news reporting, operated on three types of the public spheres: the virtual public sphere, physical public sphere, and public sphere in mass media, 2) a process is the procedure of management of working agenda, masses, content, and technology, and 3) output is completed work or news pieces, guidelines for problem-solving, and mutual benefits of both the organization and users. Besides, some interesting commonalities are also found: The creation and maintenance of the relationship with both online and offline users, 2) the use of crowdsourcing platforms with social media, and 3) flexibility in content or news presentation.

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