Media Innovation and Virtual Experiences through the Human Senses

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Kamonrat Kijrungpaisarn


In an era of high technology and advanced digital communication, which there are almost no boundaries of time and space. “Media innovations” have delivered immense value and virtual experiences to people through the human sensory system, especially for visual and auditory experiences, such as meeting and hearing the voices of loved ones who have never returned. For the virtual experiences of touch, smell, and taste; for example, feeling the warmth of the family's embrace even though they are far apart in the world; it is still in the process of continuous research and development.   Therefore, this article aims to present a literature review on media innovation concepts and media innovation advancements linked to virtual experiences through the human senses in the dimension of happiness and benefit. Interesting examples of various media innovations were discussed in each topic more clearly. The author believes that, with the good intentions in the continuous development of media innovations together with the application of knowledge in various fields, people in the digital age may soon be able to immerse themselves in virtual experiences from all senses as they have experienced in the real world. The article begins with the definition of media innovation, the value of innovative media and virtual experiences, the value of media innovation in terms of today's immersive experiences… “sight and hearing”, media innovations and immersive experiences of the future… “touch, smell and taste”, and ends with a conclusion.

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