The Study of Media Information and Digital Literacy (MIDL) And The Ability in Educating and Regulating the Online Media Usage of Parents with High School Children

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Thitamon Sansea
Nonthasruang Kleebpung


This work aims to study the awareness of media, information, and digital literacy, as well as the ability to provide knowledge and supervise the online media usage behavior of parents with adolescent children at the high school level. The sample group consisted of parents with adolescent children at the high school level in Bangkok, with a total of 412 individuals. The study employed a mixed-method approach, collecting data through surveys and in-depth interviews. The research findings revealed that the overall level of media literacy among parents was good ( = = 4.02). When considering specific aspects, the creative content and information skills were rated as very good ( = = 4.34), the skills in application and creating changes were also very good ( == 4.32), and the skills in accessing media, information, and using technology securely were at a very good level ( = = 4.21). The skills of analyzing, interpreting, and evaluating media and digital technology were considered good ( = = 4.14). There was a statistically significant correlation (at the 0.01 level) between the media, information, and digital literacy of parents and their ability to provide knowledge and supervise the online media usage behavior of their children. Specifically, there was a moderately positive relationship between parents' media, information, and digital literacy and their knowledge and ability to provide knowledge to their children. Therefore, it is important to enhance parents' level of media literacy in order to increase their knowledge and ability to supervise the online media usage behavior and be a good role model for their children in media consumption.

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