Contents and message design in autism awareness campaign via See Amazing in All Children initiative

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Thiti Ponkosonsirilert
Thitinan Common


Current research objective is to study how content and message design were presented in See Amazing in All Children initiative. In order to analyze campaign’s contents and message design, content analysis was applied to initiative’s materials. Analyzed materials included 28 ‘Videos for Kids’, 13 ‘Parent Videos’, 2 ‘Interactives for Kids’, 4 ‘Storybooks’, and 12 articles. The results were reported in descriptive analysis format. First, campaign’s contents were presented in 5 themes, namely, characteristics of people with autism, other autism-related issues, e.g., bullying and job opportunity, family of autism including their parents and sibling, preparation for people on the spectrum, and social inclusion. Second, analyzed results of message design were reported separately by types of materials. In ‘Video for kids’ found mostly inductive organization, climax order, and warmth-fun combining appeal. In ‘Parent Videos’, deductive organization, climax order, and warmth appeal were included particularly. ‘Interactives for Kids’ frequently contained deductive organization, anticlimax and pyramidal order, and fun appeal. ‘Story books’ largely consisted of inductive and deductive-inductive organization, climax order, fun and warmth-fun combining appeal. Finally, articles most often covered deductive organization, pyramidal order, warmth appeal. Interestingly, positive were predominant across all types of initiative’s material.

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