Behaviors and Factors Affecting the Innovative Grab Application Usage (Grab Food) During the Covid-19 Crisis

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Piyaphat Donchandaeng
Parichart Sthapitanonda


he objectives of this research are 1) to observe the perception, attitudes, and behaviors that affect the application Grab Food usage during the crisis of COVID-19 2) to demonstrate the demographic and behavioral differences affecting the use of application Grab Food 3) to study the relationship between perception, attitudes, and behaviors affecting the use of application Grab Food and 4) to study the factors that affect the use of application Grab Food. The questionnaire was used with the samples of 400 sets. The findings from this research are: 1) the perception towards the benefits of application Grab Food is at a high level, the attitudes towards application Grab Food is at a high level and the application Grab Food usage behavior is more than the normal level 2) the demographic characteristics such as gender, education level and income influence the usage behavior of application Grab Food 3) perception and attitudes towards the application Grab Food show the negative relationship and the usage behavior is in a very low level. While attitudes towards application Grab Food is in a positive relationship and the perception towards the benefits of the application is in the middle level and 4) the factors that explain the behavior that affects the application Grab Food usage is the decision-making attitude during the use of the application.

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