The Consumer behavior and online shopping in the amidst of Covid-9 In Bangkok, Metropolitan and Phitsanulok

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Thitaporn Roongsathaporn
Patama Satawedin


The objective of this research is to study online shopping behavior and opinions towards decision making on online shopping among consumers in the amidst of COVID-19 crisis in Bangkok, Metropolitan, and Phitsanulok. The online questionnaire-based survey was administered to 400 consumers who had purchased products online during the past four months and in the period of COVID-19 pandemic. The respondents were living in Bangkok, Metropolitan, and Phitsanulok. The result of the research revealed that prior to the COVID-19 crisis, the respondents used to shop cloths and fashion online most. In the period of the COVID-19 crisis, unfortunately, the samples spent money on buying necessary products. In this case, store credibility was of their high concern. Likewise, they currently preferred to food and beverages through delivery services at 2-3 times a week because of convenience and comfort. The respondents, furthermore, enjoyed most with an average of 100-500 Baht per purchase and cash on delivery. They found no difficulties on online shopping, excepting delayed logistic system. Post to the COVID-19 pandemic, the people were likely to continue shopping online. Online store credibility and safety were of highest acceptance. As for inferential statistics, it was found in the first hypothesis that there were no effects of demographics on decision making on online shopping at a statistical significance of 0.05. There was an exception of age, however. This situation also happened with the second hypothesis when online shopping during the COVID-19 crisis was not indicated by demographic factors at a statistical significant of 0.05.

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