Television Industry and Its Role in the New Media Landscape under the System of Digital Economy

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Natthakan Kaewkhum
Yubol Benjarongkij


This research is aimed to study changes in the television industry in Thailand under the digital economy system, to explore the adaptation of the television industry in Thailand in the new media landscape, to examine the roles of television in the new media landscape, and to investigate viewers’ perspectives on the roles and adaptation of television in the new media landscape. The research is a mixed-methods study. Documentary research and content analysis, including in-depth interviews and survey questionnaires. From the study, it was found that technological factors have changed the current situation of the television industry enormously. All TV stations have adapted their broadcasting and management explicitly. The content is more individualized to suitable for and attract viewers. Communication channels have been modified towards digitalization increasingly. All changes were affected by viewers’ changing behaviors. Regarding the adaptation of TV organizations in the digital economy system, it was found that they changed in four dimensions: organizational structure, communication channels, genres in content presentation, and content. It was found that nowadays televisions have to learn about their viewers primarily. The most important thing TV channels should concern is the content. Besides, it was found that television still plays the role of an opinion leader. As for viewers’ TV exposure behaviors, most of them viewed TV via YouTube the most, and the viewing device used the most was mobile phones because of its portability and because viewers could view TV programs everywhere at any time. Most samples watched TV for entertainment and relaxation, while they expected from their viewing and expected from the functioning of the TV for society as a whole was to obtain amusement, pleasure, entertainment, and emotional support. 

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