Creating Journalism Graduates to Serve the Labor Market in the Age of Digital Transformation

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Arin Jiajanpong


The purpose of this research article is to study the labor market’s requirement for journalistic qualification in the age of digital transformation. The research adopts a discussion group and in-depth interview on the digital journalism topic in conducting the study which took place between 12 February – 1 March 2020. The participants of the discussion group are alumni of School of Journalism who are currently professional journalists in print, broadcast, and online media. The in-depth interviewees are editors who are employers of graduates, and experts in journalism who are executives of media organizations. 

The study found that the labor market needs journalists with three characteristics: 1) competency to produce in-depth content, 2) diversity in presentation, and 3) quality production and publication. The first characteristic of competency to produce in-depth content means the journalist can quickly capture the key points, critically analyze the issue, thoroughly understand the issue, provide different aspects of the issue, and systematically carry out the research, information -collection and explanation the issue. This qualification derives from knowledge and skills in journalism and interdisciplinarity. The second characteristic of diversity in presentation refers to the ability to write a story that is easy for audience to digest and, understand, while using different types of technology and media in telling and reporting issues to serve consumers’ needs. The last characteristic of quality production and publication means the graduates can quickly adjust themselves to and deliver works or writing pieces to be on par with professional standards in a limited time, along with obtaining business and marketing knowledge.

Lastly, these three features must come with a set of preferable attitude: patience, openness, readiness to learn, and flexibility. These qualities can be cultivated by the designing of curriculum that encourages students to be eager to seek knowledge and to learn by themselves. For instance, the curriculum should provide arduous training, support of contest participation, and knowledge-sharing from guest speakers. Finally, the thesis should reflect the student’s thinking process and the application of student’s knowledge and skills.

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