The Evolution of Information Program and Entertainment Program in Thai Television

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Metha Sereethanawong


The purposes of this research are: 1) to study the evolution of information television program, and 2) to study the evolution of entertainment television program, using genre theories, information TV program concepts, and entertainment TV program concepts as the research framework. Through documental research and in-depth interviews with 28 TV program producers, the descriptive analysis reveals the history and the development Thai TV program during the course of sixty years from 2498 to 2558 BE.

The study finds that the evolution of information program is apparent both in quality and number. In terms of quality, the content of information program does not only focus on giving knowledge, but it also stimulates thought and draws public concern to social issues by means of storytelling through visual aesthetics and story. In term of number, the growing number of information program has resulted in the foundation of   educational television station. An increasing number of information program in free TV, information channel in cable TV and digital TV is a remarkable phenomena that provides more opportunities in learning about oneself and the society which is the main purpose of information program. Regarding the evolution of entertainment program, an intermixing between diverse contents, genres and forms is a way that producers employs to create viewing pleasure for the audiences. Some entertainment program format has diminished and eventually disappeared from the television. The TV producers have to be innovative to compete with other free TV producers and to cross over to the online platform.

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