Communication Factors in Human Resource Development by In-house Training with Training Management Effectiveness

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Jompon ๋Jeebpinyo
Yubol Benjarongkij


This research article aims to test a structural equation model of communication factors, which are the qualification and competency of trainers, the training atmosphere management, trainees and the effectiveness of in-house training, generated by the researcher with the existing empirical data, using SPSS Amos program. The data was collected from 520 respondents who are sampling group. The results indicate that the qualification and competency of trainers, and the training atmosphere management variables have no effect towards the effectiveness of in-house training program; however, the trainee variable does. To be specific, if the one standard deviation score of trainee variable increases, the standard deviation score of the effectiveness of in-house training program variable increases at .778. Besides, this structural equation model further explains the variances of the effectiveness of in-house training program variable at 48%.

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