The Influence of Advertising Design Affecting on Purchase Intention Via Instagram of Consumers in Bangkok and Metropolitan Region

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Ravikan Kaewpackdee
Somchai Lekchareon



his study aims to develop a causal relationship model of the influence of advertising design affection on purchase intention via Instagram of consumers in Bangkok and metropolitan region and to validate the concordance of the casual model with the empirical data. Two stages of this study were conducted: 1) Building a causal relationship model of the influence of advertising design affection on purchase intention via Instagram and 2) Investigating the concordance between the causal relationship model of the influence of advertising design affection on purchase intention via Instagram and the empirical data. The participants were 390 consumers who have made online purchasing via Instagram. A tool for collecting data was a 7-scale online questionnaire. Using software to analyze the structural equation model with 4 components: 1) Advertising Design 2) Attitude towards Advertising 3) Attitude towards Brand and
4) Purchase Intention. The findings were as follows: the model is consistent with the empirical data to a great extent. The statistic shows that the Chi-square statistics goodness-to-fit test (x 2) = 76.32, degrees of freedom (df) = 39, CMIN/df = 1.96, GFI = 0.97, AGFI = 0.94, SRMR = 0.04, RMSEA = 0.05 with the predictive coefficient of 0.60. Therefore, this research found that advertising design, attitude towards advertising, attitude towards brand affecting consumers’ purchase intention both directly and indirectly.

Article Details

Author Biography

Somchai Lekchareon, Rangsit University

Asst. Prof. Dr. Somchai Lekchareon (Ph.D., Computer Science, Assumption University, 2008), current position: Program Director, College of Digital Innovation and Information Technology, Rangsit University.


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