Fan Culture: An Ethnographic Case Study of Peck Palitchoke Fan Club

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Pan Chatchaiyan


The purpose of this research is to study the fan culture of Peck Palitchoke fan club. This research contributes to the field of fan studies and social media communication studies. An ethnographic research tradition was employed. Qualitative data was collected using non-participant observation and participant observation, focus group interviews with 13 fans, in-depth interviews with 15 fans, and online interviews with 476 fans. The total number of research samples are 504 fans. The research finds out that the fan culture of Peck Palitchoke fan club is an example of the expansion of the culture of “Mae Yok” (Thai traditional dramatic performance). It is discovered that fans’ affective support to the media figure remains unchanged from the past. Yet the new contribution emerges from this research is that the fans create a specific fan sub-culture which is a “participatory culture”. Fans efficiently create content and activities both online and in real lives to support Peck Palitchoke. Social media communication facilitates interactive communication among the fans as well as between the fans and Peck Palitchoke. The knowledge from this research can be useful for the music industry to find effective ways to communicate with fan clubs. It can also be useful to apply this knowledge to understand cultural groups in other social, economic, or political contexts

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