Causal Factors of the Perceived Benefit of Social Commerce Platform

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Ummarin Kemor
Thadathibesra Phuthong
Tidathip Panrod


This research aims to study the causal factors of the perceived benefit of the social commerce platform on the partial least square model. The samples are 270 consumers who had an experience of using social commerce platform for buying goods or services. The research instrument was a questionnaire. In the process of data analysis, Partial Least Square (PLS) technique was used to investigate the structural equation modeling and descriptive statistics were used to analyze. The research found that integrated motivation, intention to sharing information through social commerce platform, and social commerce information sharing behavior had causal factors that affected the perceived benefit of social commerce platforms. The structural equation model can explain the perceived benefit of social commerce platform at 63.00 percent (R2 = 0.630, R2adj = 0.629). The results of this research are beneficial to online business entrepreneurs and stakeholders to increase the perceived benefit of social commerce platform through the social commerce information sharing behavior by the Intention to sharing information through social commerce platform as a result of integrated motivation.

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Author Biography

Thadathibesra Phuthong

คณะวิทยาการจัดการ มหาวิทยาลัยศิลปากร 1 หมู่ 3 ต. สามพระยา อ. ชะอำ จ. เพชรบุรี 76120


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