Online Media Exposure Behavior, Social Presence and Online Lifestyle of the Elderly
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The aims of this research were 1) To study the behavior of online media exposure behavior, social presence of the elderly and online lifestyle of the elderly. 2) to examine the relationship between online media exposure behavior and social presence of the elderly, and 3) to examine the relationship between social presence and the online lifestyle of the elderly. The study employed mixed methods. The group interviews were used in qualitative research, the sampling were 5 elderly, aged between 50-65 years. The Quantitative research was conducted by using an online questionnaire, the sampling were distributed to 200 50-65 year old seniors via online media. Additionally, the purposive samples and snowball sampling were conducted to select the sample and the data was tabulated by Pearson Product Moment Correlation. As a result, the findings are as follows: The research found that the sample has Online media exposure behavior the highest exposure to LINE. The result is an online lifestyle as well as typing. Join the group and Online media exposure behavior In order to receive timely information. Include search information. That is not in the old media. As a result, the online lifestyle, including keeping up with the latest news. And interest in learning new things. The elderly have the opinion that. People should be self-reliant. Success in life is to have a warm family and no one is too old, and online communication has the ability to communicate in a communicative way that can convey the emotions that stimulate social identity. Effectively communicates quickly, effectively, and effectively. Media Exposure Behavior Social identity And the online lifestyle is very similar.
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