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นิชย์นาวิน จุลละพราหมณ์
โสภาวรรณ บุญนิมิตร


This research paper serves three main purposes. Firstly, it aims to study and analyze the intertextuality of narrative in American contemporary vampire films and tv series. The research focuses on 1 traditional vampire film, 1 contemporary film series consists of 4 arcs and 2 tv series (68 episodes). Secondly, it focuses on the distinct elements of contemporary vampire form. Lastly, it provides an insight into the social ideas conveyed from the contemporary film and tv series in focus.

          The research finds that there are convention, extension, reduction and modification in all narrative elements of the intertextual narrative from traditional to contemporary vampire. The most obvious of all are the plot, character and setting including the vampire character creation. The more minor points have been identified as the theme, conflict, symbol and point of view.


The second research result shows 5 elements as special form of contemporary vampire film and tv series. These consist of 1. heterosexual romance narrative, 2. blurring of the binaries oppositions, 3. theme of humanity, 4. female character as narrative center, 5. vampire as more beautiful character. And the last research result revealed 4 social ideas which are conveyed from 3 contemporary film and tv series, namely 1. good appearance, 2. racism, 3. code of virtue, 4. gender roles

          Furthermore, the vampire film and tv series have been developing continuously to the most recent form of contemporary vampire by blurring the boundary between reality and fantasy and bringing vampire into the context of reality. The most important function of text movement is the main vampire character creation. For the contemporary text had combined the traits of vampire that has identity crisis as Dark-Hero with the portrayal of masculinity to form such contemporary character which reinforce the idea of a postmodern intertextuality, which stated that nothing could be entirely 100% new.

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Author Biographies

นิชย์นาวิน จุลละพราหมณ์

นิชย์นาวิน จุลละพราหมณ์ (นศ.ม. การภาพยนตร์ จุฬาลงกรณ์มหาวิทยาลัย, 2554)

โสภาวรรณ บุญนิมิตร, คณะนิเทศศาสตร์ จุฬาลงกรณ์มหาวิทยาลัย

อ.ดร.โสภาวรรณ บุญนิมิตร ปัจจุบันดํารง ตําแหน่งอาจารย์ประจําภาควิชาการภาพยนตร์และภาพนิ่ง คณะนิเทศศาสตร์ จุฬาลงกรณ์มหาวิทยาลัย


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