Design thinking process towards storytelling technique video content via Facebook Fanpage Minutevideos Thailand

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ศลิษา วงศ์ไพรินทร์
บุหงา ชัยสุวรรณ


This qualitative research is based on marketing communications with Content marketing strategy in  the  video  content  format.  Through  storytelling  by  using Design Thinking Process within the context of Facebook fanpage Minutevideos Thailand. According to the result, A good understanding on consumer behavior is one of the major elements of design thinking. It does not relate to only observation but also studying and obtaining insights of consumer behavior about their thoughts, values and beliefs. Specific information and consumers' needs are utilized in order to analyze and conduct variety kinds of marketing plans. Throughout the work process, there will be creative and brainstorming. And also works with the experts to correct in content and target group by communicate. Minutevideos Thailand Facebook Fan Page intend to create valuable and useful contents. However, the audiences rather have their engagement to independent-styled content and simplicity in communication. To understandable storytelling conveyed through the facts story. Self-Creation reflection of experience. Thru the design thinking process. The creators need to understand the difference of context and styles of the stories that lead to effective mix with visual and storytelling technique video content plays an important and useful role in marketing and improve content performance. It also builds up an engagement between Facebook FanPage and consumer which will lead to good content value and image. Moreover, Increase your chances of success for making an actual impact.

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