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วิโรจน์ สุทธิสีมา
ดวงกมล ชาติประเสริฐ


Objective of this research project is to examine discourse of running in Thai media from the past to present as well as to analyze the character of discourse that support the trend of running as a popular exercise in Thai society nowadays. Using a cultural studies theory and a qualitative research methodology, two approaches are conducted by analyzing historical documents and investigating cross-sectional media texts. The project draws on Foucalt’s concept of discourse and power, Fairclough’s critical discourse analysis approach and Elias’s concept of Civilizing process. These concepts explore the meaning of running which separated by discursive practice and social practice in each era of Thai running society. From four categories of chosen media: Print media, Films, New Media, and Activity Media, there were three ages of Running Discourses, namely: 1) Ancient age: General Discourse 2) Middle age: Scientific Discourse. The Transformation from age to age was an outcome of Civilizing Process which relate to discourse , power and knowledge in each society. The Ancient age dominated society until late 1950s and running only means a manner of moving faster than walk in this period. The next age was established by the concept of scientific knowledge to produce a meaning in health with supported by reason using such as statistics and concrete knowledge. Until 2012, Running is yet again built by mixed concepts which influenced by dispersed power. A new media and the rising of new generation, especially women, added a variety of meaning in running which introduced emotional discourse to the new perception, resulted in ‘The New Running Boom’.

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Author Biographies

วิโรจน์ สุทธิสีมา

วิโรจน์ สุทธิสีมา (ว.ม., มหาวิทยาลัยธรรมศาสตร์, 2551; อีเมล: [email protected])

ดวงกมล ชาติประเสริฐ, คณะนิเทศศาสตร์ จุฬาลงกรณ์มหาวิทยาลัย

ดวงกมล ชาติประเสริฐ (Ph.D. Mass Comm., University of Wiscousin-Madison, 2534) ปัจจุบันดำรงตำแหน่งผู้ช่วยศาสตราจารย์ประจำภาควิชาวารสารสนเทศ คณะนิเทศศาสตร์ จุฬาลงกรณ์มหาวิทยาลัย


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