The Discourse of Sexual Harassment to Female Internet Idol on Facebook

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วิมลวรรณ เพาะปลูก
สุระชัย ชูผกา


               This article aims to study about the discourse of sexual harassment to female internet idol on facebook. Hence, the research objective is to study behavior, style and other environments of female internet idols as well as the Facebook followers. Furthermore, this study also examines the relationship between female internet idols and the followers. This research uses the qualitative research method and content analysis. The data is collected by observation and monitoring 6 female internet idols who has over 100,000 followers.

            The finding of this research found that the female internet idols often present physical appearances from their private spaces to public sphere using on Facebook platform. Regarding the private space becomes the public sphere, the followers tend to cause the sexual harassment through staring then processing to the verbal to the female internet idols in the respect of threatening from sender to receiver. Therefore, the public sphere leads the female internet idols and their followers can disclose their freedom of expression which they unable to act in the real lives. Nonetheless, having an influence on each other might from the culture of social life in Thailand. Therefore, the society must provide and offer an opportunity for juveniles in term of acquiring the correct acknowledgment about sexology for preventing the power of sexual harassment in the future.

Keywords : Discourse, Sexual harassment , Female internet idol , Facebook


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