วาทกรรมสื่อมวลชนในกระบวนการสันติภาพสามจังหวัดชายแดนภาคใต้ 2556

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สมัชชา นิลปัทม์


The objective of this research article is to examinethe discourses of 1) mainstream media, namely KhoaSam Miti on Thai TV Channel 3, and Tee Nee Thai PBSon Thai PBS, 2) civil media entity which is Deep SouthWatch’s weblogs, and 3) media outlets of the dissent,which are PULO info and Ambranews websites, andthe video clip of BRN’s statement. Using the Conflict Transformation concept and discourse theory as thetheoretical framework, this study hopes to explore how these media gave “meanings” to the peace talk processes concerning the three southern border provinces in 2013, by analyzing media content from February to June 2013. The findings show that the mainstream media’s reports remain within the Thai centralized nationalism discursive frame. The coverage shows the mainstream media’s scrutinizing and ambivalent reaction towards the peace processes, while maintaining the state’s interests. Moreover, the reports seem especially sensitive towards the “separation” discourse. Therefore, the coverage of peace talks tends to refer to the Thai constitutional framework to legitimize and avoid violating the state’s law. On the other hand, the media outlets of the dissent use the Internet and alternative platforms as a forum to express their opinions and political needs as well as stances. As such, these outlets provide spaces for the discourses that differ from and counter the state. They also enable the discussions concerning self-determination to emerge with reference to the Malay nationalism discursive frame. Meanwhile, the civil media become a forum for dialogues concerning peace where everyone can freely debate. At the same time, the outlet is transformed into a contentious field for the “common space” and “peace” discourses, while serving to build knowledge and understandings about peace processes, which is considered a new role of public sphere to prepare for crucial conflict transformation in the future.

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Author Biography

สมัชชา นิลปัทม์

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