“H-O-M-E”: The Representation of Haunted “Masculinity” in the Capitalist and Neoliberal Society in “Phee Yoo Nai Ban” and “Laddaland”

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tanawut panyanant


This article aims to study “neo-masculinity (?)” in the capitalist and neoliberal society in Thai society. This study reveals the problems and the weaknesses of the male that are presented through the literature and the film by analyzing the text and representation. The findings elucidate that male characters are pressured and haunted from “new masculinity?” which forms between traditional and capitalist masculinity, constructed by the expectations of capitalist and neoliberal society. Male characters themselves were pressed and they were forced by the wife and her mother. These forces are displayed through the representation of “H-O-M-E” The place that should exhibit happiness and success but it discloses male crisis and tragedy. Beyond the haunting, the texts are question about power of the patriarchy and they are going to show the resistance power of the matriarchy.

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