Consumption Value and Consumer Choice Behavior of Srichand

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นฤมล ถิ่นมาบแค
ปภาภรณ์ ไชยหาญชาญชัย


The purpose of this research was to study consumption value and choice behavior of Srichand.A quantitative research was conducted through a survey research method. Data were collected through self-reported questionnaire with 200 female consumers, aged between 20 and 40 years old, in Bangkok. The results showed that functional and emotional value of Srichand were the highest perceived value (M = 4.12). In terms of functional value, the sampling mostly agreed that the price of Srichand’s products were reasonable (M = 4.20), and Srichand’s products were safe (M = 4.19). In terms of emotional value, the sampling mostly agreed that buying Srichand’s products made them feel that they support a Thai brand (M = 4.19). On the other hand, social value was the least perceived value (M = 3.63). That is, using Srichand’s product made them get social approval (M = 3.60). In addition, for choice behavior, the results indicated that the sampling were more likely to buy products made out of natural, not chemical ingredients (M = 4.25). This research results also reflected a relationship between consumption value and consumer choice behavior.

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Author Biographies

นฤมล ถิ่นมาบแค

นฤมล  ถิ่นมาบแค (นิเทศศาสตร์บัณฑิต, มหาวิทยาลัยกรุงเทพ, 2558)

ปภาภรณ์ ไชยหาญชาญชัย

ปภาภรณ์  ไชยหาญชาญชัย (นศ.ด. นิเทศศาสตร์, จุฬาลงกรณ์มหาวิทยาลัย, 2560)


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