Participatory Action Research in Promoting Safe Bike to School
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The research aims to explore the principals of Participatory Action Research in cycling promotion, including the PAR process, and evaluate its effectiveness. Kalasin municipality was selected to be a study area. The target group was primary school pupils from five local schools. The research employed multiple methods including a documentation, a site survey, a questionnaire and a focus group. This study had been preceded from April – December 2015. It found that PAR was a kind of knowledge accumulation, combining social and pedagogic sciences, together with action learning. This PAR research consisted of 7 steps including 1) an introduction and interview with the mayor and relevant actors, 2) a questionnaire with pupils, 3) Creative Cycling Promotion Project, 4) a meeting with the municipality’s leaders, 5) a cycling committee meeting, 6) Healthy Pupils Cycling Project, and 7) a meeting with Thai Cycling Club. As a results, the actions initiated from this PAR were the Creative Vacation Project, the committee meeting, the Healthy Pupils Cycling Project, Cycling Community Project, Cycling Family Project, and Local Cycling Personal Training.
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