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The manuscripts must be in English only. The author(s) should prepare the manuscripts by using Microsoft Word software for Windows with Browallia New font type (14 pt.) throughout the text. The manuscripts' length should be between 12 and 25 standard A-4 size single-spaced. Please leave 25 mm. for top and bottom margins, 35 mm. for left margin, and 17 mm. for right margin. Please use numbering system in headings and subheadings. All the headings should be flushed left and typed in upper case and lower case letters. The use of language should be concise and consistent. English spelling should refer to Webster Dictionary. Thai spelling should refer to The Royal Institute, Thailand. JARS accepts 4 types of articles, each of which requires certain maximum length as follow;
(1) The research articles can contain between 6,000 and 8,000 words.
(2) The review articles can be lengthy between 8,000 and 10,000 words.
(3) The case studies can be between 5,000 and 8,000 words.
(4) The book review is limited to between 3,000 and 3,500 words.
Title should be concise and informative. Abbreviations and formulae should be avoided where possible. The title needs in English Only.
Please clearly indicate the given name(s), family name(s) of each author, authors' affiliation and email address. The correspondent author needs to be identified.
Provide a one-paragraph abstract of approximate 300 words or no more than 500 words. Authors should also include up to six keywords from the manuscript. English version of abstract and keywords are required.
Each section of the manuscript must be divided into ections such as introductory section, body section, and references section. Each section must be numbered in sequence. The introductory section includes manuscript's title, author’s name(s), full address of the author’s institution or affiliation, abstract, and keywords. The body section includes introduction, main text, result, discussion, conclusion, and acknowledgements (if any). The references section includes references, bibliography (if any), and appendix (if any).
Figures and tables should be numbered in sequence, and each of which should be referred to in the text. All figures and tables should have captions. Figure captions should be centered beneath the picture. Table captions should be flushed left above the table. Accurate references to figures and tables are also required, and must not violate any copyrights. Please provide figures with high quality, TIFF file format at least 300 dpi resolution should accompany the manuscript.
Each manuscript require author contribution as provided example: Conceptualization, F.L., A.S., A. Suwanarit, K.N.I., T.L.; methodology, F.L., A.S., A. Suwanarit, K.N.I., T.L., D.C.; software, K.N.I., D.C.; T.L.; formal analysis, F.L., A.S., A. Suwanarit, K.N.I., T.L., D.C.; writing-original draft preparation, K.N.I.; writing-review and editing, F.L., A.S., A. Suwanarit, K.N.I., T.L., D.C.; visualizaition, F.L., A.S., K.N.I., T.L.; Agrihood design through the Sustainable Landscape Studio 4 (LN 316), Thammasat University, T.L. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
If the study is concerned with human subjects, the author(s) must provide report of results from the human subjects including interviews, surveys, or experiments requires an ethics statement as supplementary of the manuscript. Preferably, the Institutional Review Board approval number for your project should be provided. An example statement might be: “The study approved by the Institutional Review Board (or Ethics Committee) of NAME OF INSTITUTE (protocol code XXX and date of approval).” Alternatively, you should document that all participants are anonymous, participation was entirely voluntary, and the methods followed the Helsinki principles for human subjects. An example statement might be: “All research procedures involving human participants were done in accordance with the ethical standards of the 1964 Helsinki declaration and its later amendments or comparable ethical standards. Participation in the study was voluntary and informed consent was obtained for all research components that involved human participants, in accordance with standard ethical practice.” If your study did not include human subjects, the statement is not necessary.
If the research was funded, the name of the funding agency, title of the project, and project award number must be provided. If the research was not funded by any agency external to the author team, this also can be noted.
- Data Availability Statement
The journal strives to make data availability free and transparent, while recognizing that in some cases the funding agency will not permit open access to the project data. Nonetheless, some statement of availability must be made. Examples of such statements include: “Data may be obtained from the corresponding author upon reasonable written request”; “Parties interested in obtaining the data used in this research should submit a formal request to [NAME OF AGENCY AND CONTACT INFORMATION].”; or “Due to data confidentiality policies, the data presented in the manuscript are not freely available.”
- Use of Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) and AI-Assisted Technologies
Authors should only use such technologies to improve readability and language; if AI has been used, authors must include a statement to this effect. An example statement might be: "During the preparation of this manuscript [NAME TOOL / SERVICE] was used to [REASON]. After using this tool/service, the author(s) reviewed and edited the content as needed and take(s) full responsibility for the content of the publication. If there is nothing to disclose, there is no need to add a statement."
In-text citations, the list of references, and bibliography must be in English and follow the style of American Psychological Association (APA) 7th edition style. Please use English language for referencing. Thai reference must be spelled or translated in English. Examples of References are as follows
1) Book
De Vaus, D. A. (2014). Surveys in social research. Allen & Unwin.
2) Book chapter
McKenzie, H., Boughton, M., Hayes, L., & Forsyth, S. (2008). Explaining the complexities and value of nursing practice and knowledge. In I. Morley & M. Crouch (Eds.), Knowledge as value: Illumination through critical prisms (pp. 209-224). Rodopi.
3) Journal article
Cheung, J. M. Y., Bartlett, D. J., Armour, C. L., Laba, T. L., & Saini, B. (2018). To drug or not to drug: A qualitative study of patients’ decision-making processes for managing insomnia. Behavioral Sleep Medicine, 16(1), 1-26. https://doi:10.1080/15402002.2016.1163702
4) Webpage with an author
Willett, B. (2015). The future of aged care nursing in Australia. HealthTimes. Retrieved May 6, 2020, from
5) Webpage with no author
$250m funding boost for malaria vaccine. (2003). ABC News. Retrieved May 6, 2020, from
6) Newspaper article
Fellner, C. (2019, April 7). Time bomb: Two new cases as NSW faces worst measles outbreak in years. The Sydney Morning Herald.
7) Government publication
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. (2018). Physical activity across the life stages (5th ed).
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. (2018). Physical activity across the life stages (5th ed).
Furher reference format, please check guidance for the American Psychological Association (APA) 7th edition style.