Review Article: Significant Parameters in Building Energy Simulation
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A simulation model has been widely used to investigate and predict the energy performance of buildings. However, to achieve more accurate energy result, the input data in the simulation model should be obtained from field measurements. Collecting field measurements is a very time intensive activity. With this limitation, in this work we summarized results of parameters most influential on energy results from 44 papers performing energy simulation model for determining the potential of energy saving and improving the model accuracy in various building types including offices, single rooms, homes, multi-family buildings, and other commercial buildings. It is found that the parameters with influence on energy performance were dissimilar to the parameter that the modelers used for adjusting the model accuracy and determining energy saving. Set point temperature had a large impact on energy results for office and home, while shading and occupancy schedule significantly impacted the energy results for multi-family building and other commercial buildings, respectively. At present, the number of sensitivity analysis related to building energy performance is limited. Future studies should increase a number of sensitivity analysis of building energy performance for different building types.
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