Potential of Energy Saving from Daylight Usage under Ministerial Regulation
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To enhance the use of daylight, lighting power density (LPD) load in building can be deducted by designing for energy conservation according to ministerial regulation’s conditions. However, the methods and benefits are not clearly defined. These problems also affect architectural design framework. This is an experimental research aims to explore the potential of daylighting by using DIALux software to simulate daylight level in office building. The results indicate that 1) within the room depth of 1.5 times window head height; most of the results from 4 types of studied windows cannot provide adequate illuminance (300 lux) on workplane. Artificial lights are still needed to be turned on to maintain minimum illuminance level. Therefore, the energy saving purpose is unachieved. 2) The orientation of windows affects on both illuminance and distance of useful daylight. 3) With proper design integration, it is possible to reduce glazing area. 4) Skylight is an effective mean to introduce and distribute daylight into building. 5) For visual comfort issue, daylight quality should be concerned. Finally, the results of this research will propose guidelines for developing design criteria and evaluation method in the future. This will reflect the actual energy consumption and saving.
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