The Guideline of Application of Thai Weaving Wisdom with Uses of Rubberwood in the Design of Contemporary Thai Architecture

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Panwad Worasathian
Poomchai Punpairoj


This research aims to study Thai weaving patterns for the application of rubberwood as an architectural element and structure that suitable for the modern style and outline of Thai architecture. By studying the feasibility of using rubberwood, including qualitative data and the nature of wood processing which is the result of current technology, it was found that problems with moisture, strength, and suitable size and shape must be taken into account to prevent damage from insects, weevils, and fungi which can cause warping and get short straight pieces of wood. In order to be used as an architectural element or structure, it must be developed to acquire the size and shape suitable for use in the form of a Structural Composite Lumber (SCL). By stacking several layers of wood and using glue as a binder to obtain suitable form and size for architecture, it was found that Glued Laminate Timber (Glulam) method can lead to curved shapes such as the Grid-Shell Structure, which is consistent with the pattern of Thai basketry. The curved surface area works as the main structure. The weight is distributed over various parts with a band to help for holding the structure together. After the construction of a model of a rubberwood pavilion, problems and limitations were found in the design, consisting of 1. The radius of the wood curvature; 2. Size and length; 3. Deformation after removing from the template. The results of the evaluation after 1 year showed that the overall structure was still strong and accessible but there was a mold problem in the wood, especially in the area that was exposed to rain and wet.


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