Using Vertical Garden as Restorative Environment from Fatigue in CMED Canteen, Maharaj Nakorn Chiang Mai Hospital
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This research aims at using restorative environment to restore the mind of professional nurses from mental fatigue. The Attention Restoration Theory (ART) is applied to create 3 patterns of simulated environments of CMED Canteen, in which the professional nurses use in a daily routine. The simulated environments provide two color tone sets, green and multicolored autumn. Each set comprises the original condition canteen, the canteen with the 2D vertical garden and the canteen with 3D vertical garden. The sample group of 40 registered nurses evaluate the 3D simulated environments on Virtual Reality Goggle using the short version of Perceived Restorativeness Scale (PRS) to test the hypothesis that 1) the canteen with 2D vertical garden will receive higher PRS score than a canteen without vertical garden; 2) the canteen with 3D vertical garden will receive higher PRS score than the canteen with 2D vertical garden; and 3) the green tone vertical gardens and the multicolored autumn vertical gardens will yield different PRS scores. The results proved that the hypothesis is accepted because patterns of environment have effects on the Perceived Restorativeness. However, color tone does not have an effect on Perceived Restorativeness. The research concludes that all the simulated environments with vertical gardens provide significantly higher PRS scores than the original condition. An application of the multicolored 3D simulated environment to the CMED canteen can restore nurses’ mind from attention fatigue, so that they can come back to work effectively.
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