The Study of Place Identity in Built Environment
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This article creates a conceptual framework for finding place identity, in terms of theoretical concepts, instruments, and methods. The study has been conducted through a literature review that collects various viewpoints from scholars in anthropresearches payingological, psychological, geographical, and architectural. Such a review also covers many related type of research paying attention to place identity. This is to draw a conceptual framework and methodology for studying place identity in the Thai social context. The study of place identity helps to understand the identity of the created place that is embedded in memory, dynamic inherited, and reproduced until being accepted in society and becoming the spirit of the created place. Finding from this article indicates that there are 2 approaches for research framework either phenomenalism or positivism. The findings also notes that the research tool for the study of place identity is a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods, which is adapted to be associated with the Thai context.
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