Housing Standard Certification by The National Housing Authority

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Pornphan Verapreyagura


This paper adapted from the quantitative research, Housing Standard Certification by the National
Housing Authority. Its goal pointed to the role of the National Housing Authority about housing standard that
is concerned with housing standard problem complaints, housing standard certification principles and
criteria, advantages and disadvantages by the National Housing Authority, and guidelines for housing standard
certification. The questionnaire was distributed to 2,083 people of every region: Bangkok, Suphan Buri,
Nakhon Pathom, Ratchaburi, Chiang Mai, Songkhla, Chon Buri, Khon Kaen, and Nakhon Ratchasima. An
evaluation checklist was given to experts, and brainstorming method was used by stakeholders. The findings
were as follows:

1. Housing standard problem complaints are received by the information service of the National
Housing Authority and the Office of the Consumer Protection Board. The complaints are primarily concerned
with physical and environment standards (exterior and interior of the house including structure and building
components, land use, infrastructures, and surroundings) and management standards (facility and
infrastructures management).

2. Housing standard certification principles and criteria are used for controlling and monitoring
housing and services to protect consumers, communities, and environment. The principles deal with size
and form decreasing, agreement, practicality, modernity, necessity, and generality.

3. Advantages by the National Housing Authority include a complete database, legal issues, and
feasibility. Disadvantages include complicated management structure and people’s attitude towards ‘management
transparency’ of the National Housing Authority.

4. Guidelines for housing standard certification consist of 1) law and act guideline: for controlling
and industrial standard 2) management guideline: under facility management system and law system 3)
physical guideline: under public standard adaptation, the National Housing Authority’s standard, and public
organization standard. Theoretical propositions show that the roles of housing standard certification are
concerned with five standards: environment and housing environment, building, facility management, safety,
and planning. Thus, the certificator must support and promote standardized organizations or developers,
and disseminate knowledge and methods of problem solving to people/stakeholders.


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