Planning and Management toward Green and Clean University: Thammasat University, Rangsit Campus

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Kunnatham Santitham


One of the major problems facing Thammasat University, Rangsit campus is related to its planning
and management. In order to improve the current situation, the concept of ‘Planning and Management
guidelines toward Green and Clean University’ can provide guidelines to enhance a good environment on
campus. In addition, physical environment can influence human behavior. Good planning and management
also make a good quality of life and sustainable development. Therefore, planning and management guidelines
based on appropriate desire of users on Rangsit campus should be applied effectively.
The scope of this research focuses on the studies of planning and management theory and case
studies, surveys on university’s problems, opinions and effects, from 430 sampled users on campus through
questionnaire. The approaches regarding suitable planning and management toward green and clean university
for Thammasat University, Rangsit campus are under the following concepts:
1. To encourage the application of green and shady environment.
2. To administer with decreasing pollution plan in order to generate a better environment and
more safety.
3. To plan and manage toward clean and tidy environment.

4. To preserve energy and encourage the use of alternative resources.
5. To manage sustainable development effectively.
6. To strengthen a good quality of life.
7. To support public mind in environmental problems.

This research examines five successive aspects: 1) General spatial usage and initial opinions of
users, 2) Studying the suitability and sufficiency of planning and management on campus, 3) Studying
users’ responses in order to propose the guidelines under green and clean concept, 4) Studying users’
opinions regarding the proposed guidelines, and 5) Seeking more useful recommendations from users. The
researcher analyzes all data into four major categories for final guidelines: circulation network system,
linkage of activity areas, landscape and university’s energy preservation and environmental development

The research reveals that the university’s notable problems are: 1) University’s circulation networks (lanes between cars, bikes and pedestrians) are overlapped and lack clarity and continuity, 2) University’s planning system yields sector development similar to sector urban pattern, and there are no linkages between the various university’s sectors and activities on campus. In other words, the university does not have enough multipurpose areas for academic activities and activities between faculties and/or other universities, 3) The university lacks shady trees and has many untidy landscape areas, and 4) The university’s energy preservation and environmental development policies are not concrete with inadequate public understanding and being conducted under uninteresting programs.

Based on the research, conclusive improvement guidelines are suggested as follows:
1. Separating more clearly lanes between cars, bikes and pedestrians.
2. Using light transportation system in academic core area, in which cars and buses cannot enter. They must park in the parking lots surrounding the academic core area.
3. Expanding more continually bike lanes and covered walkways.
4. Allocating areas that are used for linkage of activities in residential area (dormitory area) and/ or in areas between residential area, library and academic area.
5. Providing more green areas and planting more shady trees in residential area and academic core area.
6. Developing tidy landscape areas to make them more beneficial with more amenities.
7. Improving efficiency of university’s energy preservation and environmental development policies and publicizing programs to all users.
8. Improving environmental programs in more interesting terms for users.


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