Effect of Natural Materials on Properties of Adobe Brick for Earth Construction

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Pusit Lertwattanaruk
Jatuporn Tungsirisakul


The objective of this research was to study the influence of agricultural waste, such as rice husk
and coconut fiber on the properties of adobe bricks including compressive strength, drying shrinkage and
thermal properties. Two different types of clays were used for mixing adobe bricks. The percentage replacement
of the agricultural fibers in adobe bricks were 0, 1, 2, 3, 6 and 9% by weight respectively. The adobe bricks
were dried by using 2 methods, sun-drying for 7 days and oven-drying for 24 hours after sun-dried. From
test results, rice husk and coconut fiber can increase the compressive strength, and reduce the drying
shrinkage of adobe bricks. But increasing the percentage replacement of rice husk more than 3% tends to
reduce the compressive strength of adobe bricks. After oven-dried, the compressive strength of all mixes
increased. Type 2 clay, having more sand content, yielded higher compressive strength and less shrinkage
compared with those of Type 1 clay. When the percentage replacement of rice husk increased, the thermal
conductivity of adobe bricks decreased. On the other hand, increasing the percentage replacement of
coconut fiber tends to increase the thermal conductivity of adobe bricks. For the optimal mixes, regarding
mechanical and thermal properties, Type 2 clay mixed with 3% of rice husk by weight yielded the compressive
strength of 24.9 kg/cm2, drying shrinkage of 10.5% and thermal conductivity of 0.7 W/m. K. The other mix
made from Type 2 clay with 9% of coconut fiber yielded the compressive strength of 29.2 kg/cm2, drying
shrinkage of 6.2% and thermal conductivity of 0.9 W/m. K. The results suggested that natural materials
such as rice husk and coconut fiber can be used in the mixes for producing adobe bricks, which are used
as the main structure of adobe house, and also improve mechanical and thermal properties. This is
beneficial for developing adobe house as an alternative architecture along with gaining public acceptance.


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