The Study of Sustainable Architectural Design in Thailand

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Sirimas Hengrasmee


Based on the results of the research in 2004, this article aims to suggest a guideline to develop
an appropriate approach of sustainable architectural design in Thailand. Rather than creating a checklist,
this article points out the areas that are commonly ignored by the current approaches of Thai sustainable
architecture. The analysis is based upon literature review of books, articles, and reports covering
issues related to sustainable development and sustainable, ecological, and green architecture. The
progress of sustainable development and sustainable architectural design at national and international
levels are reviewed and analyzed with an intention to compare sustainable architectural design in
Thailand with a concept of sustainable development and the international theory of sustainable design.
Three images that characterize different approaches of sustainable architectural design in Thailand are
building technology/energy conservation, culture/vernacular architecture, and community and urban
planning. According to the study, the approaches of Thai sustainable design are limited and cannot
capture the whole idea of the international concerns toward sustainability. In order to make sustainable
architectural design in Thailand more comparable to the international approach as well as suitable for
Thai context and the country’s policy, such as the “Sufficiency Economy” concept, sustainable
architectural design in Thailand should be more developed and integrate those international concerns
with Thailand’s approaches.


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