Civil Society, Network and Community Participation in Configuring Strategic Development Plan, Baan Nam Kem Community, Phang Nga Province
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The Tsunami aftermath severely devastated Baan Nam Kem Community, in Phang Nga province.
There were various aids and alleviation programmes, ranging from ad-hoc solutions to a configuration
of development plan as a long-term strategy. This paper discusses on the processes and results based
on the authors’ participatory action and observation. First, on one hand, is to reveal the structural and
operational process of a working mechanism on aids and supports from pertinent agencies, and, on the
other, to explore the civil society process, working in parallel to the former agencies. Second is to
illustrate community participation mechanism in configuring the strategic development plan. Also, the
authors discuss on political discourses. Third is to discuss on outcomes that community participation
and civil society process have not yet changed relevant development policies. Nonetheless, some
combinative elements, necessitated for bottom-up process, are discovered which highly help embrace
groups of grassroots watchdog network.
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