Applications of Geographic Information System-GIS for Database Development of the Historic Buildings and Structures in the Municipality of Phuket
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The Phuket Municipality, surrounding by a number of historic buildings and structures, was first
announced for the Cultural Environment Conservation and Historic Significance Area in 1994. Since then
the Municipality has continually conducted some development and conservation projects, but those
developments still lack database management systematically, particularly for supporting conservation
planning and management. As a consequence, the Geographic Information System (GIS) has been
applied in the Municipality’s database management system for historic buildings and structures, linking
the components to the existing databases. The renovated database consists of two main layers. These
are historic buildings and historic structures, containing 401 and 12 sites respectively. All of the sites are
required to meet some qualifications of the values, by which is applied to both layers, including building
character, cultural value, authenticity, building condition and threat. In addition, the historic structures
are divided into five categories i.e. monuments, bridges, circles, cemeteries and shrines. The database
can still be developed and brought up to date, while it can complement with other databases advanced
by the municipality to create its own effective tools to facilitate analysis for local administration and
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