The Substantive Urban Design Considerations: Priorities for Creating Successful Places

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Wanarat Konisranukul


Although urban design, as opposed to urban design theories, is an ancient profession, that has
shaped towns and cities over the centuries in many different cultures and continents, the agenda of urban
design is new and different relative to other more established theories of late-twentieth-century town
planning [1]. Whilst urban design theory as well as its practice still faces a number of challenges, in recent
years many urban designers and planners seemingly agree that there is no single traditional urban design
approach which could offer an absolute answer to successful urban design. Indeed, ‘successful urban
design’ should not be employed as a fixed theoretical model but as the principles that underlie those
successes, have value in empirical settings, and draw its intellectual roots from the past. In light of this
concern, this paper is devoted to a discussion of the principles underlining successful urban design.
Based on a review of both academic and professional works, five main substantive urban design
considerations are proposed in this paper. These include physical function, visual perception, urban
environment, heritage conservation, and social demand and development. Through the discussion, this
paper shows that these substantive considerations play their important roles in urban design and help
to generate successful urban design.


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