Development of Tectonics in Contemporary Architecture

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Srisak Phattanawasin


The term “tectonics” has carried many complicated and manifold meanings through social changes
over periods. From its origin in Greek, the word “tekton” meant builder or carpenter. During the 19th century,
tectonics was used by German theorists to define broadly to architecture’s coordination between structural
system and decorating features. For much of the 20th century, the term has advocated to the phenomenological
debate concerning in craft making and essence of dwelling. Until recent decades, tectonics has been
played more important role as a critical strategy to resist the current tendency which reduces architecture
to scenography in the age of globalization and consumerism society.
This article aims to review the many definitions of tectonics and analyzes the role and optimizing
development of tectonics in contemporary architecture. Considering the important role of tectonics, leads
to a series of merit questions on an architectural profession. The tectonic culture might reflect the position
of architects in each society. On the other hand, this quality in architecture might indicate an ethical
dimension of professional practice in the building process, and allude to the dissociation of interests
between the building profession as a whole and the users of buildings. The following questions come in
mind: What is the shape of tectonic culture in the midst of contextual changes? What is the matter for
contemporary tectonics complement or excessive quality?


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